The Rewards of Resilience: How intentionally choosing courage and hope can change your life for good

posted in: Coaching, Emotional Agility, Leadership | 0

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have an advantage in life? Why some people seem to sail through life and take the knocks and scrapes and bumps in their stride.. or, at least, seemingly more so than others?

It might be to do with their outlook on life.

How to Deal with Regret (1/2): Make it Food for Thought instead of it Eating you Alive

posted in: Coaching, Emotional Agility, Leadership | 0

It wouldn’t surprise anyone who has experienced the gnawing, consuming discomfort of remorse to discover that the word originally comes from the Medieval Latin ‘remorsum’ meaning literally “to bite back, bite again.”

So how can we deal well with our life and leadership regrets without them eating us alive?

Feeling Crabby in Transition? Here’s Why… (Pt 1)

posted in: Coaching, Life Transitions | 2

Change. It sometimes comes like a blessed relief, a liberation, a much needed shift. At other times it makes us want to crawl under a rock and hide in the dark. Most times, it’s a curiously perplexing mixture of the two: we feel exposed and we feel released. So how is it that change has power to bring both spacious freedom yet also intense vulnerability? Turns out, Mother Nature has some wisdom on this…